
Anal Atresia

Learn about anal atresia, a congenital condition affecting newborns, its symptoms, classifications, and treatment options

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Anal Atresia

Anal Atresia is one of the congenital defects that occur in newborns. It involves the absence of the anal opening, its presence in an abnormal location, or the covering of the opening by a thin layer of skin. Anal atresia may be accompanied by many other congenital defects, with a prevalence rate of one in every five thousand births. The condition affects males more than females, and in about 90% of male newborns, there is a connection between the urinary and digestive systems (fistula). For females, about 5% of cases have a single outlet in the perineum area, known as cloaca.

Symptoms of Anal Atresia

Classifications of Anal Atresia

Treatment of Anal Atresia

Treatment of anal atresia involves creating an opening at the end of the rectum through surgery or relocating the anal opening if it is in the wrong position. Pull-through procedure is performed if the rectum is connected to other organs. It is important to have surrounding muscles controlling fecal passage. If there is no opening, a temporary opening in the abdominal wall is created to collect feces in a bag, which is closed after eight weeks. In a subsequent stage, the rectum is connected to the anal opening. General anesthesia is used during surgery, and it is important for the doctor to address the issue early after birth to enable the newborn to live a normal life. Rectal injections may be used as a therapeutic method, with potential use in the future if any obstacles arise.

What is anal atresia?
Anal atresia is a congenital condition where the anal opening is absent, misplaced, or covered by a thin layer of skin.
What are the symptoms of anal atresia?
Symptoms may include feces passing through an alternate opening, incomplete stool expulsion after birth, and abdominal swelling due to fecal buildup.
How is anal atresia treated?
Treatment involves surgical creation or relocation of the anal opening. Rectal injections may be used as a treatment method, and in some cases, temporary openings are created to collect stool until surgery.

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