
Intestinal Atresia

Intestinal atresia is a congenital defect where a fetus is born with it. It obstructs the flow of contents through the intestine, potentially leading to severe complications for the baby's health.

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Intestinal Atresia

Intestinal atresia is one of the congenital defects that a fetus is born with. It is natural for the intestines to be an open tube that extends from the stomach to the anus. However, when there is an obstruction in a small or large part of it, we are dealing with a serious condition that can lead to serious complications for the baby's health.

What is Intestinal Atresia?

In most cases, the fetus grows normally without any problems, where the contents of the child's stomach flow smoothly through its digestive system. However, with intestinal atresia, which is an increase in the growth of some cells inside the duodenum, this leads to its obstruction. As a result, it loses an important part of its function, reducing its ability to absorb nutrients or allow food and liquids to pass through the baby's digestive system.

Types of Intestinal Atresia

There are several types of intestinal atresia, named according to the location of the obstruction:

What is intestinal atresia?
Intestinal atresia is a congenital condition where a portion of the intestine is abnormally narrowed or blocked, hindering the passage of food and fluids.
What causes intestinal atresia?
The exact cause is unknown, but it's believed to be a result of abnormal development of the intestines during fetal growth.
How is intestinal atresia diagnosed?
It's typically diagnosed through prenatal ultrasound or after birth with imaging tests such as X-rays or ultrasound.
What are the treatment options for intestinal atresia?
Treatment usually involves surgery to remove the blocked section of the intestine and reconnect the healthy parts.
What are the potential complications of intestinal atresia?
Complications may include intestinal infections, poor nutrient absorption, and long-term digestive issues.

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