
Pituitary Tumor

Tumors of the pituitary gland disrupt hormone regulation, impacting vital bodily functions. Surgical, radiation, and medicinal treatments are tailored based on tumor type and size.

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Pituitary Tumors

Pituitary tumors are abnormal growths in the cells that make up the pituitary gland, impairing its regulation of the secretion of many hormones essential for vital functions in the human body. All pituitary tumors are non-metastatic, meaning they do not spread to affect other organs. Large tumors affecting the pituitary gland are those larger than 1 cm and are medically termed "macroadenomas". Large tumors can cause pressure on brain tissues and bones, in addition to negative effects on hormone secretion. Tumors smaller than 1 cm are considered small-sized tumors, medically termed "microadenomas".

How are Pituitary Tumors Treated?

The choice of treatment method or methods for pituitary tumors depends on the type and size of the tumors, as well as the physical condition and age of the patient. Treatment options include:

Surgical Treatment

Surgical intervention is important for treating pituitary tumors in the following cases:


Radiotherapy is considered appropriate when medications cannot eliminate or stop the growth of pituitary tumors. It can be used in conjunction with surgical treatment as a complement.


This method is used when there is no significant effect from pituitary tumors due to their extremely small size. The doctor monitors the patient regularly and performs hormone level tests, as well as MRI and CT scans to monitor the condition, intervening immediately if complications arise.

Medical Treatment

The type of medications prescribed by doctors for pituitary tumors depends on the negative effects and symptoms experienced by patients.

What are pituitary tumors?
Pituitary tumors are abnormal growths in the cells that make up the pituitary gland, affecting its regulation of hormone secretion crucial for bodily functions.
What are the symptoms of pituitary tumors?
Symptoms may include headaches, vision problems, hormonal imbalances, and other symptoms related to pressure on surrounding tissues.
How are pituitary tumors diagnosed?
Diagnosis typically involves imaging tests such as MRI or CT scans, hormone level tests, and sometimes biopsy.
What are the treatment options for pituitary tumors?
Treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, medication, and sometimes observation depending on the type and size of the tumor.

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