

Chronic sinusitis affects the nasal cavity for a long time, leading to long-term acute inflammation. Treatment failure may result in severe damage to nasal hairs and mucous membranes, making them more susceptible to infections

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Nasal Sinuses

Sinusitis is considered one of the chronic diseases that affect the nasal cavity for a long period, leading to acute inflammation in the long term. This is due to not using appropriate treatment or not responding to it. In this case, the person suffers significant damage to the cilia and mucous membranes of the nose, making them prone to infection. Therefore, when exposed to repeated colds and seasonal allergies, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist doctor, take prescribed medications, and if there is no improvement, the patient undergoes endoscopic sinus surgery.


The nasal cavity is composed of a group of openings called nasal sinuses. The nose is divided internally into pairs of nasal passages (nasal sinuses), and these sinuses are covered internally by a thin skin membrane with a bony wall underneath to protect the nose. The skin membrane in the nose is characterized by containing a layer of hair and cilia, whose functions include humidifying the air and filtering it from pollutants and dust before it enters the respiratory system. It also contains a group of mucous cells and glands that work to form mucus and allow it to descend through the throat to be eliminated.

Sinusitis occurs as a result of exposure to dust, air pollutants, and various other organic diseases, leading to acute inflammations and swellings inside the nasal passages. The patient suffers from excessive sensitivity and severe pain in the nose and around the eyes.

When Should the Patient Visit the Doctor?

Reasons for Performing Sinus Surgery

The specialist doctor decides to perform endoscopic sinus surgery after exhausting all treatment methods to solve sinusitis problems. The most prominent cases that require surgical intervention include:

What are the symptoms of chronic sinusitis?
Symptoms of chronic sinusitis include nasal congestion, facial pain or pressure, headache, postnasal drip, cough, fatigue, and reduced sense of smell.
How is chronic sinusitis diagnosed?
Diagnosis of chronic sinusitis involves a physical examination, review of medical history, and imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs.

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