
Liver Transplantation

Liver transplantation is a life-saving procedure used to treat liver failure. Learn about its history, success rates, and importance in saving lives.

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Liver Transplantation

Liver transplantation is the only treatment for individuals with liver failure and is one of the most common organ transplant surgeries. The damaged organ is replaced with a healthy one, either from a deceased donor or, in the case of a living donor, a portion of the liver is taken to transplant into the recipient.

Reasons for Resorting to Liver Transplantation

Acute Liver Failure

An individual may have a normal liver, then develop a disease such as drug toxicity or viral infections, leading to a rapid deterioration in their condition. The liver's functions become inadequate, posing a threat to their life. In such cases, liver transplantation is performed.

Chronic Liver Failure

A patient may suffer from chronic liver failure due to various reasons, such as:

In such cases, the patient's condition gradually deteriorates due to the liver's failure to perform its functions, manifesting symptoms such as jaundice, fluid retention in the abdomen, mental deterioration, or symptoms of liver cancer. Despite the liver functioning to some extent, the patient may not tolerate some severe symptoms that arise, such as severe itching that is not alleviated by medical treatments. All these factors necessitate liver transplantation.

What is liver transplantation?
Liver transplantation is a surgical procedure in which a diseased or damaged liver is replaced with a healthy liver from a donor.
Who needs liver transplantation?
Liver transplantation is typically recommended for individuals with end-stage liver disease or acute liver failure who have exhausted all other treatment options.
How long does it take to recover from liver transplantation?
The recovery time varies for each patient, but most individuals can expect to stay in the hospital for about 1 to 2 weeks and may require several months for a full recovery.
What are the risks associated with liver transplantation?
Risks include rejection of the donor liver by the recipient\\'s immune system, infection, bleeding, and complications from immunosuppressive medications.
How long does a transplanted liver last?
The success rate of liver transplantation is generally high, with many recipients enjoying a good quality of life for many years. However, the lifespan of the transplanted liver varies depending on various factors.

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