
Inguinal Hernia Surgery

Inguinal hernia is a common condition where part of the abdominal cavity protrudes through a weak spot in the lower abdomen. Learn about its types, symptoms, and causes

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Inguinal Hernia Surgery

The inguinal hernia is defined as the protrusion of a part of the abdomen through a weak point in the area below the abdomen, and it is one of the common problems that can occur at various ages, and although inguinal hernia is not among the serious diseases, it does not heal spontaneously. Its complications include late-stage intestinal obstruction, strangulation of the hernia, which can affect the patient's life if appropriate treatment measures are not taken, one of which is inguinal hernia surgery.

What is the inguinal canal?

The inguinal canal is also known by other names, such as the inguinal canal, or the inguinal canal, and it is a passage in the lower part of the abdomen, approximately 4 cm long, and its function varies depending on gender; In males, it helps in the passage of the testicular cords from the testicles to the abdominal area, while in females it passes through the round ligament of the uterus to the labia majora. The inguinal canal also carries the ilioinguinal nerve in both sexes, and the inguinal canal in males is larger in size and more prominent than in females.

What are the types of inguinal hernia?

What are the symptoms of inguinal hernia?

The symptoms or signs of inguinal hernia generally include:

The symptoms of inguinal hernia in children include:

What are the causes of inguinal hernia?

Inguinal hernia mostly occurs in infants due to the failure to close the inner lining membrane of the abdomen properly, leading to weakening of the abdominal wall. As for adults, it occurs as a result of vigorous physical activities, or chronic coughing caused by smoking. The causes of inguinal hernia include:

What is an inguinal hernia?
An inguinal hernia occurs when tissue, such as a part of the intestine, protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. It often appears as a bulge in the groin or scrotum
What are the symptoms of an inguinal hernia?
Symptoms may include a bulge in the groin or scrotum, pain or discomfort, especially when bending over, lifting, or coughing, and a feeling of heaviness or pressure in the abdomen
How is an inguinal hernia treated?
Treatment typically involves surgery to repair the hernia and strengthen the abdominal wall. In some cases, especially if the hernia is small and not causing symptoms, watchful waiting may be recommended

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