
Stomach Cancer Surgery

Cancer of the stomach, its causes, symptoms, and treatments. Learn about the risk factors and how to manage stomach cancer.

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Stomach Cancer

The stomach is a vital organ located in the upper part of the abdomen. This organ is part of the digestive system responsible for processing nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water. It also helps in waste disposal from the body. Food passes from the throat to the stomach through a hollow muscular tube called the esophagus. After leaving the stomach, digested food moves into the small intestine, then to the large intestine.

The stomach wall consists of three layers of tissues: the mucosal layer, which is the deepest, the middle muscular layer, and the outer serous layer. Stomach cancer begins in the mucosal layer's lining cells and spreads through the outer layers as it grows.

What is Stomach Cancer?

Stomach cancer is the growth of cancerous cells inside the stomach wall lining. This type of cancer is often difficult to diagnose because most people with the disease do not show symptoms in the early stages. While it is considered rare, its severity lies in the difficulty of diagnosis. Most cases are diagnosed late after the cancer has spread throughout the body.

What are the Causes of Stomach Cancer?

In reality, there is no clear cause that allows us to understand the disease. However, sometimes there are causes and factors that may lead to its formation and aid in its growth.

These symptoms are caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which contribute to the development of gastric ulcers. Failure to detect and treat them leads to changes in lymphatic cells leading to stomach cancer.

There are also some factors that help the disease appear and develop, including:

What is stomach cancer?
Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is the growth of cancerous cells within the lining of the stomach wall. It is a serious condition that requires medical attention.
What are the symptoms of stomach cancer?
Symptoms of stomach cancer may include abdominal pain, unintentional weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and blood in the stool.
How is stomach cancer treated?
Treatment for stomach cancer may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. The specific treatment approach depends on various factors including the stage and location of the cancer.
What are the risk factors for stomach cancer?
Risk factors for stomach cancer include infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, smoking, a diet high in salty and pickled foods, obesity, family history of stomach cancer, and certain genetic conditions.

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