
Peripheral Artery Catheterization

Learn about peripheral arterial catheterization and its treatment options, including balloon angioplasty, stent placement, and artery removal

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Peripheral Artery Catheterization (Balloon/Stent/Artery Removal)

Peripheral artery catheterization is one of the central methods in treating peripheral artery disease, which is classified as a disorder related to the circulatory system. The disease involves reduced blood flow in the peripheral vessels, which may indicate the presence of arteriosclerosis in one or more major arteries, leading to decreased blood flow to the brain and legs. Symptoms of this disease are cumulative and may only appear after long periods of time. There are many methods for diagnosing the disease and determining the treatment option.

What are the treatments for peripheral artery disease?

The treatment of peripheral artery disease aims to relieve the pain, especially during walking, and to prevent arterial sclerosis or arterial stenosis, as well as protection from strokes. These goals can be achieved by controlling lifestyle in the early stages of peripheral artery occlusion disease. For example, smokers should quit immediately. The following are the main treatments for peripheral artery disease:

What is peripheral arterial catheterization?
Peripheral arterial catheterization is a medical procedure used to treat peripheral artery disease by opening blocked or narrowed arteries in the legs

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