
Urinary Tract

Discover top-quality urinary tract treatments in Turkey with our comprehensive medical tourism services.


Turk Easy: Leading in Urology Care

Urology encompasses the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the urinary tract and male reproductive system. At Turk Easy, we provide our services with state-of-the-art technologies and a specialized medical team to deliver the best treatments.

Our Services in Urology Care in Turkey

Common Conditions We Treat

Examination and Treatment Process

The basic steps for examining the urinary tract include:

  1. Examining symptoms and evaluating the medical condition.
  2. Performing a specialized physical examination.
  3. Conducting additional tests if necessary, such as laboratory tests and imaging.

Based on the diagnosis, the appropriate treatment is determined, whether it be medication, surgical treatment, or other procedures.

Pediatric Urology

We offer specialized services for our young patients, including:

Consulting Urology Care in Turkey

At Turk Easy, we ensure comprehensive and specialized medical care for every patient, focusing on precision, comfort, and attention to detail.

Consult with us today to receive the medical care you deserve.

What specialties does Turk Easy Healthcare Center offer?
Turk Easy Healthcare Center offers specialized services in the field of urological diseases and urological surgery for men and women - including treatment for kidney diseases - diagnosis and treatment for prostate conditions - urinary tract tumors - and sexual problems.
What services are available for children at Turk Easy Healthcare Center?
Turk Easy Healthcare Center offers specialized services for children including providing medical care for congenital and acquired urinary diseases - treatment for urinary deformities - corrective surgeries - as well as consultations for common urinary problems in childhood.
How can I schedule an appointment at Turk Easy Healthcare Center?
You can schedule an appointment at Turk Easy Healthcare Center by contacting us via phone or by emailing us through the available email address on our website. You can also use the online booking form to schedule your visit.
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